General News & NotesThe Divine Talisman Review ContestJune 23, 2008 To celebrate the release of the concluding volume in Eldon's Legend of Asahiel trilogy, this website is giving away 5 free copies, signed by the author. Rather than simply hand them out on a first come, first served basis, we've decided to run a little review contest. Here's how the contest will work: Step 1: Write a review of either The Crimson Sword or The Obsidian Key—whichever you feel the most strongly about. Let potential readers out there know what they're in for. What we'd like to see are appraisals that are both clever and insightful. Don't just heap superlatives one atop the other, or recap the story summary. Try to say more than "I loved it because it was great" or "I hated it because it sucked". Tell us not only what you think, but why. The more specific your analysis of particular strengths and weaknesses, the better. Note: Your review does not necessarily have to be favorable. It might be the most scathing indictment ever written. So long as it demonstrates an understanding of the book's intent, and tells us why that intent was or wasn't met, we want to hear it. Step 2: Post your review publicly. This might be anywhere: a blog, a bookseller website (such as or, an internet forum on a popular website (other than this one), etc. As with the review itself, use your imagination when it comes to the posting. The greater the visibility, the more "kudos" you'll receive from our judges. Only reviews dated June 23, 2008 - July 22, 2008 will be considered for entry in this contest. Step 3: Email us your name, a copy of your review, and evidence of its posting (for example, a hyperlink to the book's page on This will allow us to read and judge the various reviews. While these judgments promise to be subjective, keep in mind the suggestions above. We're looking for insight, originality, and overall enthusiasm (whether positive or negative). If you can make it funny or entertaining, all the better. Step 4: On July 22, 2008 we will contact all individuals who submitted reviews in accordance with the guidelines stated above, thanking them for their participation. The five winners will be notified at this time, and will be asked privately for an address to which we can ship their prize completely free of charge. We will also post the names of the winners (along with their reviews). Since we want to know why you like or dislike Eldon's books, we will do you the same courtesy by trying to explain why each of the winning reviews was chosen. That's it. Remember, there will be five winners. Each winner will receive one, first-edition, autographed hardcover copy of The Divine Talisman. Any questions, send us an email to let us know. Good luck! Oh, and just to avoid any legal confusion, this contest/giveaway is the brainchild of the operators of this website, and is not sponsored in any way by HarperCollins Publishers or any of its affiliated entities.